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BORN 18th APRIL 1890 - DIED 12th June 1955  

Rodney Phillips Hemeon
Town Clerk and Treasurer
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia
Mr. Hemeon comes of forbears who made history in the days "When Knights Were Bold." He is proud of the fact that he i s a descendant of the gallant Clan McAlpine, which fought the epic battle with another Highland warrior race on an Easter Sunday, long ago, a battle immortalized in Scott's "Fair Maid of Perth."
But not even the bravest wearer of the Tartan in these days of romance and bravery made a prouder record of achievement on the field of battle than Rodney Phillips Hemeon, once a battling knight for the cause of freedom and democracy on Flanders fields.
Mr Hemeon was employed with E.K.Spinney Ltd. and the Eastern Steamship Company, his first employment after finishing school, when the Great War broke out. He at once enlisted for service overseas with the Canadian Expeditionary Forces.
He went to the front in France and served from 1916 to 1918-from 1916 to the end of the war. The record shows he served with honour and was disabled while in performance of his duty in action. he fought in "C" Company, 25TH Canadian Infantry, taking part in the following engagements :
Battle of the Somme, Sanctuary Wood, Lens, St.Eloi, Hill 70, Vimy Ridge, Paschendaile, and the second Battle of Amiens.
After nineteen months service in the trenches, during which he was twice buried twice wounded and poisoned by barbed wire, he was invalided home just thirty days before the signing of the Armistice.
This record of plain facts is one rarely equalled and hardly ever surpassed in all the history of heroism in the trenches in that tremendous war that envolved not alone the exsistance of nations but the maintenance and salvation of modern civilization.
His fellow citizens have not been unmindful of Mr Hemeon's record as a patriot and so he has been elected Town Clerk of Yarmouth, Town Treasurer of Yarmouth, Clerk of the Municipal Court, Clerk of the Board of Health, Clerk of Commissioners of Poor,Secretary Treasurer School Board. and for four years has been President of the Yarmouth Kiwanis Club.